Inspiration of the Week: Meet Elona!

When Elona joined FCF she jumped in with zest and a positive mindset. We love that she was clear on what her goals were, knew that she needed accountability and was willing to put in the work and be guided by her coaches! We love her can do attitude in session and willingness to learn and push herself outside her comfort zone. In her short time here at FCF she’s already feeling stronger, has more mobility, better balance, and increased her endurance. It’s the start of a wonderful journey to optimal health and we are excited to continue watching her blossom.

Here’s why she joined FCF…

I joined Full Circle Fitness because I wanted a physical fitness program that was designed for mature adults. I need the instruction and guidance to both motivate myself and keep from getting hurt.
My goal is to become fitter. I really like that Full Circle Fitness trainings work on strength, training, flexibility, and balance. I saw improvement in all areas in the first 2 months of coming here, and even more so now that I’m 6 months in! I look forward to seeing even more improvements in the future.
I really enjoy all the coaches and members I have meet. Being new to the area I feel so fortunate I found such a fun and friendly fitness community. I feel so good every day after I complete my workouts.
The secret to making the most of my experience at Full Circle Fitness is to plan and prioritize my training sessions. Once I schedule my sessions, I put them on a big calendar and then schedule other appointments around them. If I am going to be out of town. I schedule additional sessions before and right after I return home. I also try to arrive early to the studio to stretch and avoid traffic stress.

There’s no magic secret as to why Elona’s been successful so far. It’s the non-sexy stuff, planning, prioritizing, consistency, and having a positive attitude. Sometimes we try to make it really complicated or make a million excuses, but it really comes down to taking that first step by having those honest conversations with ourselves and then making it a priority in your life.

A big congratulations to Elona for acknowledging that, making it happen, and putting in the hard work each time she comes in! If you’re ready to make a commitment to a healthier, stronger life just email or call/text @ (657) 231-6207 and we’ll set up a time to chat with you to create your realistic training program so you can start your journey to optimal health today!