Success Story: She Found the Sweetest Motivation

Renee Rose knows precisely why and when she decided to start exercising regularly.

And telling the story brings a tear to her eye.

Last Thanksgiving her family rented a bounce house for the grandkids. Renee had looked forward to playing in it with the little ones, but she quickly lost her breath and had to leave.

“I was really upset,” recalls Renee, a nurse who’s now 59 and had gained weight over the last year or two. “I couldn’t do the things that I wanted to do. It was at that moment I decided I’ve got to change.”

She started working out after the holidays and hasn’t looked back.

“The best thing I ever did was walk through those doors,” says Renee, a veteran nurse.

Previously, everyday chores had been growing more difficult. She got winded walking up the stairs. Most importantly, she couldn’t play with her grandkids on the floor like she longed to do.

She’s working out three times a week in small group personal training.

And in just a few months, Renee’s doctor has taken her off one medication and hopes to drop another soon. Her stamina is up. Her clothes are too big.

She’s even doing burpees and squats.


Big Plans for a Big Birthday

And for her 60th birthday, Renee is planning “something physical” like rock climbing, ziplining, or white-water rafting.

It could be a celebration to match the family’s Fourth of July. They rented a tall water slide for the kids, and Renee put memories of the bounce house behind her. She went up and down the slide with her granddaughter tirelessly, over and over.

“She came up to me with her little arms up and said, ‘Again, Nana.’ It was the best. I want to cry just talking about it.

“It was so much fun and made me feel good having that time with her. You want to be there for them. You don’t want to be the Nana in the rocking chair. Not at 60.”


A Powerful Motivation for Many

What type of grandparent do you want to be?

The strong and healthy kind that plays with the grandkids — or the frail, retreating kind that sits and watches, instead?

Studies show that being an active, involved grandparent is one of the most common and powerful motivations for millions of people to exercise regularly.

  • Today’s grandparents want to share experiences with the grandkids, not just buy them things.
  • Almost 70% live within 50 miles.
  • And polls show that grandparenting stands out as one of the most positive aspects of later life.

Strength makes all the difference as we age. Humans lose muscle as we age unless we practice resistance training to maintain muscle. Without it, we get to the point where we simply can’t do much of anything.


We love Renee’s example!


What will be your motivation to change your life? Call today and start learning how we can help you.


Healthy Aging Month Chips Away at Stereotypes

In the 32 years since September was designated Healthy Aging Month, organizers say negative stereotypes about getting older are diminishing.

“Of course, there are still stereotypes about older adults,” said Carolyn Worthington, president of Healthy Aging, the multimedia platform promoting the month. “Perhaps the baby boomers embracing aging like no other generation started turning the tide. It is not unusual to see people in their 80s and 90s doing spectacular things today.”

We regularly feature news and information about older adults and fitness. Some of them perform amazing athletic feats. More are just devoted to living healthier, happier lives for as long as possible, and they know that regular exercise is a key part of that.

What else can you do to support healthy aging? Organizers suggest:

  • Moving more and sitting less
  • Aiming for 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity activity and two sessions of strength training each week
  • Cutting back on salt, which is linked to high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack
  • Volunteering
  • Maintaining an active social life
  • Pursuing something you love
  • Owning a pet
  • Manage stress with these tips from Mental Health America

If you’ve been waiting for a sign that you need to step up your healthy habits, here it is! Come see us today, and let’s get you moving – the key to healthy aging in every month.

Meet our Inspirations of the Week: Scott & Gloria

To celebrate the month of love we have one of our many couples here at FCF…

Scott & Gloria and their unique story…

Today if you were to pass them on the street you would notice a fit, healthy couple and when you find out they regularly exercise even think, ‘well of course they “look” like fitness people’. However, their story shares a different tale of why they regularly train with us at FCF.

We absolutely love both of their positive attitudes, even when it’s a tough day. They come in, do the best they can that day, and leave feeling 10x better than when they walked in. Where many people who see obstacles, they see a reason to a maintain a healthy training program, so that they not only benefit today, but their future self in 20 or 30 years. These rockstars have maintained dedicated to their fitness program, have great work ethic, have persevered through various health challenges, and hit so many personal milestones, which makes them our inspirations of the week!

Here’s their why…

Almost 7 years ago, Scott woke up one morning with excruciating pain in his neck. This eventually led to a major neck surgery, some nice hardware and a change in Scott’s lifestyle. Post surgery the things he loved, like surfing, was off the table due to the uncertainty of permanently damaging his neck. His exercise routine of boxing in the garage and road biking all became a challenge or not an option. Life took a turn and now he had to figure out how to regain his strength and find new safe activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Two months post-surgery, his friend and former law partner told him about Full Circle Fitness and since physical therapy hadn’t helped manage his pain he reached out for help from Rosa. After meeting Rosa and putting together a plan that started with some mobility work and pilates, he was sold and became a dedicated member. Gloria says, “Rosa’s knowledge, good nature, and empathy for his situation helped him immeasurably.”

Over the last 6 years at Full Circle Fitness Scott’s training program progressed from mobility and pilates, to strength training, and now he participates in small group training sessions and some yoga to help manage his pain and alignment. He can’t say he loves it all the time, but the routine provides relief and that’s what’s most important.

He will tell you, “There are days I wake up with incredible pain, but after a session with Rosa, I am able to sit at a desk and work, as well as to be able to manage some outdoor activities that I enjoy. What a miracle and a blessing. I have been working with Rosa twice a week for almost 6 years.”

After 2 years of training, he was even confident enough to try surfing again when the conditions are right, has returned to road biking and even participated in a few 50 mile and 100 km races. That’s the truly important stuff here. His passions that he thought were gone after surgery, are back! To say I am proud as his coach is an understatement.

Although there are still some days where there is more pain, after a training session he always leaves feeling better and is able to take on the day!

As for Gloria, well….Her reason for starting a training program was completely different, but equally important.

Here’s her story…

” I absolutely abhor exercise.”

Scott said, ‘no come in and meet the folks at FCF. They’re great. I think you’ll like it.’

She’d heard that before from Scott; some trickery to try to get her to exercise!

“Skeptical, but I had a goal and needed help. You see my son was getting married the coming September and I was not in shape – let’s just say my underarm kept waving hello after I had stopped. TMI?
I went and met Rickye. She’s tough, but wow she’s wonderful and I was sold. The genuine care and support everyone at FCF has for you to succeed, to meet your goals, whatever they may be is inspiring. My goal was to build strength while increasing my core power and reducing my overall body fat. By the date of the wedding, I felt I met all of those goals. My weight stayed pretty much the same but it sure moved around.
My favorite part of FCF is the FCF community. The coaches, the folks who show up every day who create that great vibe of support for each other. This is also what keeps me coming. The members encourage and support each other. We learn about each other’s lives and we are a community.
Since starting at FCF I feel better about myself. Maybe because I’m physically more fit and I look way better in my clothes, in and out. But this is a double-edged sword because none of my pants fit so oh no, I had to buy new clothes!! Also, my shoes fit better?? My confidence has boosted. At 58 I’m in better shape than I was at 28. But most importantly I don’t feel old. I can pick up a 5 gallon jug of water without struggling. I find personal satisfaction when I can move up in weight for any exercise because it means I’m getting stronger! Sure, I still can’t do Arnold presses or halo but I’m still working on it with Coach Mercedes’ never ending energetic encouragement.
For me FCF has been all about helping me get to a better physically place to allow me to get to a better mental place.
Thanks to all the coaches at FCF. Couldn’t have done this without you 🫰🏻”

You see… everyone has a journey and although they start at different times, for different reasons, and has different goals, the most important part is that they started and encourage each other.

They didn’t give up or stop when severe pain, migraines, surgeries, business travel or a variety of other stressors came up in life. They took a day, or two or even a week off then came back with a vengeance, they know their deeper why and Scott and Gloria had each other to keep each other accountable.

They had a mutual goal this past year as well…their son’s wedding!

They doubled down, cleaned up their nutrition a bit and attended their son’s wedding feeling confident, with enough energy, and enjoyed the special moment. That’s what matters!

If you’re ready to find out how to create a realistic and maintable fitness program, we would love to help. Just text or call us at 657-231-6207.

Talk soon,

Coach Rosa

Inspiration of the Week: Meet Elona!

When Elona joined FCF she jumped in with zest and a positive mindset. We love that she was clear on what her goals were, knew that she needed accountability and was willing to put in the work and be guided by her coaches! We love her can do attitude in session and willingness to learn and push herself outside her comfort zone. In her short time here at FCF she’s already feeling stronger, has more mobility, better balance, and increased her endurance. It’s the start of a wonderful journey to optimal health and we are excited to continue watching her blossom.

Here’s why she joined FCF…

I joined Full Circle Fitness because I wanted a physical fitness program that was designed for mature adults. I need the instruction and guidance to both motivate myself and keep from getting hurt.
My goal is to become fitter. I really like that Full Circle Fitness trainings work on strength, training, flexibility, and balance. I saw improvement in all areas in the first 2 months of coming here, and even more so now that I’m 6 months in! I look forward to seeing even more improvements in the future.
I really enjoy all the coaches and members I have meet. Being new to the area I feel so fortunate I found such a fun and friendly fitness community. I feel so good every day after I complete my workouts.
The secret to making the most of my experience at Full Circle Fitness is to plan and prioritize my training sessions. Once I schedule my sessions, I put them on a big calendar and then schedule other appointments around them. If I am going to be out of town. I schedule additional sessions before and right after I return home. I also try to arrive early to the studio to stretch and avoid traffic stress.

There’s no magic secret as to why Elona’s been successful so far. It’s the non-sexy stuff, planning, prioritizing, consistency, and having a positive attitude. Sometimes we try to make it really complicated or make a million excuses, but it really comes down to taking that first step by having those honest conversations with ourselves and then making it a priority in your life.

A big congratulations to Elona for acknowledging that, making it happen, and putting in the hard work each time she comes in! If you’re ready to make a commitment to a healthier, stronger life just email or call/text @ (657) 231-6207 and we’ll set up a time to chat with you to create your realistic training program so you can start your journey to optimal health today!

Skiing Proves There’s ‘No Off-Season’ for Exercise

Martin Pazzani grew up skiing and was even a downhill racer in college.

But by his mid-40s, he had drifted away from the sport and from fitness in general, having devoted much more time to work. So, the next time he tried to ski, things didn’t go so well.
“Skiing when you’re not fit sucks,” recalls Martin, now in his 60s, a fitness entrepreneur and marketer. “It really does.”
That day was hard on his thighs, and he didn’t have as much control and balance. “I thought I was done with skiing for the rest of my life, at age 45.”
But by the time he went skiing again seven years later, Martin had regained his fitness, so he had the necessary strength, endurance and balance. This time, skiing was more like it’s supposed to be: fun.
“I skied top to bottom my first run and didn’t even stop. I had got it back. It’s all about conditioning.”


Hitting the Slopes in Large Numbers


Baby boomers make up about 20 percent of US skiers, with millions more people over 50 also hitting the slopes. Nowadays, it’s not as physically hard as it used to be because skis are wider and easier to control, other equipment is also better, and the slopes are groomed to be so much smoother.
Plus, “senior” discounts are plentiful, with some mountains even offering free passes to people over a certain age.
And skiers love the fresh air, spectacular scenery, and community atmosphere found at most ski spots.
Here are some general suggestions about getting ready for your first ski trip of this year, or maybe even several years.

Cardio. Be sure to go on a few walks each week and take the stairs when you can. Or, if your stamina is already fair, then work in two or three cardio workouts weekly. Martin also recommends jumping rope.
Resistance training for legs. Most of the muscle strain from downhill skiing is on your thighs, butt, hamstrings and calves. A nice leg circuit twice a week will help get you ready. That means squats, lunges, leg curls and calf raises. Ask for a demonstration if you’re not familiar with proper form.
Core. Skiing requires a strong core because of all the twisting and leaning forward. Get ready with planks, leg raises, and other exercises we’re happy to show you.
Flexibility. Stretch before working out with weights, walking or running – and that includes your lower back. 

She Doesn’t Let Anything Stop Her


Dawn Lowery, 61, also started as a child, and this will be her 50th year in a row of skiing – “even the years I blew out my ACLs — both knees, different years,” she says.

Dawn, a physician’s assistant and member of the ski patrol, stays in shape by hiking and biking during summers.

She practices Pilates and goes to the gym, as well, and says her core and leg strength have been instrumental in helping her bounce back after injuries and surgeries.
“Being active is very important for all seasons,” she says. “There is no off-season for exercise.”


Talk to us about getting in shape for skiing or any sport. For more information about discounts, visit the 70+ Ski Club.

Fitness Facts to Fuel Your Fire

When it comes to fitness over 50, some topics are just timeless and deserve our constant attention. These four subjects are not only relevant but also crucial, whether you’re considering starting a fitness routine or you’re already on your fitness journey. No. 1: The Importance of MuscleIf you want to age gracefully, maintain your quality of life, and enjoy independence, then strength training is non-negotiable. Interestingly, there’s a generational divide when it comes to awareness. Many people over 60 may not fully grasp the significance of strength training because fitness didn’t enter mainstream culture until the early 1980s. Before that, the only people associated with “weightlifting” and “muscle” were bodybuilders, often portrayed as a freak show. But for decades now, we’ve known that everyone needs muscle just to function. As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle, leading to weakness, frailty, reduced mobility, falls, and the stereotypical “just getting old” troubles – unless we practice strength training via weightlifting, yoga, or other methods.  No. 2: Maintaining Brain HealthReduced brain function isn’t inevitable, either. Research has highlighted the connection between physical activity and brain health. We have the tools to maintain and even improve our brain function as we age. Physically active individuals are less likely to lose mental function and have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. And regular exercise helps combat other Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, including depression and obesity. The UK’s Alzheimer’s Society says, “Regular physical exercise appears to be one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of getting dementia.”  No. 3: Protein and HydrationAs we age, our nutritional needs evolve. We tend to eat less, even as our need for protein becomes more critical. Don’t wait till you’re hungry to eat. Keep a schedule. And consume enough protein for energy and muscle maintenance. Hydration is equally crucial. It affects cognitive function, arthritis, joint pain, and overall well-being. Drink plenty of water – and “eat your water” by consuming fruits and vegetables loaded with it. No. 4: Combating LonelinessThe U.S. Surgeon General recently sounded the alarm about an epidemic of social isolation, with 1 in 2 adults reporting loneliness. It’s especially prevalent among older people, often due to the loss of life partners, distant children, and reduced interactions associated with jobs. Loneliness can lead to sleep problems, increased inflammation, reduced immunity, and other health issues. It’s linked to pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and a shorter lifespan.  Being part of a fitness community can alleviate loneliness, regardless of age. It provides accountability, social engagement, and a higher chance of achieving your fitness goals. These Fantastic Four topics are vital for healthy aging. Let them guide you as you start or re-focus your fitness journey! Remember, we are here to talk it out and help in any way possible.

Exercise Is Your Friend Against Arthritis

Arthritis, with its joint pain and stiffness, affects over 350 million people globally and is a leading cause of disability. Yet, there’s a myth that exercise could make it worse. Let’s bust that myth right away! Exercise is actually your ally in managing arthritis. As the Mayo Clinic emphatically states, “Exercise is crucial for people with arthritis.” Here’s why:

  1. When you’re strong and flexible, you move easier, with less stiffness.
  2. Contrary to what you might think, exercise reduces joint pain and fatigue. Regular activity replenishes lubrication to the cartilage of the joint. And stronger muscles protect your joints.
  3. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, reducing the pressure put on joints.
  4. Exercise is important for bone density, with strength training especially so. This also protects from fractures.
  5. Arthritis often coexists with other health issues like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, highlighting the importance of managing it effectively.

Here’s the bottom line: Exercise is not your enemy! In fact, it’s a powerful tool in the fight against arthritis. It strengthens muscles, improves bone health, boosts energy, and enhances balance. By staying active, you reclaim your health, mobility, and a better quality of life. Arthritis is the No. 1 cause of disability. But exercise is your secret weapon for a more active and fulfilling life now and in the future. Sources: Global RA Network, The Arthritis Foundation, Mayo Clinic

Inspiration of the Week: Karen S!

Meet Karen S!

Back in the middle of the pandemic, April of 2021, Karen joined FCF at the recommendation of a good friend and man do we love having her apart of our community! Since joining she’s lost over 17 pounds, 14.7 of that has been fat! She has also seen her visceral fat drop by 4 points and she has gained strength and balance. All of this has made her feel lighter and daily activities seem easier. She has also seen a big increase in her energy level; she doesn’t get sleepy every afternoon while working from home, she can get up and down from the floor with greater ease, gets out of the house and enjoys the outdoors more and is just plain happier! She even went on a 4 hour hike a few months back with us that included stream crossings and some bouldering while walking one of my German Shepherds, King, and she did amazing! (see pic)

The best part has been watching her transformation over the last year. She came in with a positive mindset, even on the tough days, she showed up, put in the work and part way through the session you could see her spark come back. She works hard, is the first to welcome new members, crack a joke and give Coach Jack a hard time and that’s why she’s such a pleasure to have in our community and to coach each week.

Here’s her story on what pushed her to make a change…

In early 2021 with the stress of the recent election, changes to her work schedule, lack of work travel, and isolation from living and working alone at home during the pandemic she was feeling like many….she didn’t have control over all these changes and felt isolated. So, she made a massive shift in her mindset and decided she could control one thing…

To use this time to get herself healthy!

When Karen started at FCF she has already made some dietary changes and had lost over 20 pounds, but she wanted something that would provide mental stimulation, improve her stamina & cardiovascular health, continue her weight loss, improve balance and increase her strength. Once she tried her first session she was hooked!

For the last 10 years she has been doing pilates a couple of days a week with her good friend, Karen. Yep they have the same name! But she wanted to work on her stamina and cardiovascular health a bit more and the small group sessions at FCF were just the right fit for her. When we asked her what keeps her coming back each week even on those hard days she said:

“To me, the people. I look forward to meeting up with so many like-minded people. Everyone is so generous in sharing information and we all support and push each other. The whole coaching team is the best – all very positive and welcoming. Personal attention and care is so important since we are all at different levels. I could do exactly the same exercises with a personal trainer or in a busy gym but it wouldn’t make me smile like at FCF. If I have had a stressful day at work at 5:35pm I can forget it all. I love the other activities hiking and Tai Chi in the park.”

Along with the changes to her exercise routine, she made a few changes to her nutrition as well. In early 2021 she did a keto diet for a bit and has now moved to a mostly Mediterranean diet and is gluten free. With these changes she now feels so much better, doesn’t feel sluggish after meals, and no longer has acid reflux at night. On top of that she has been taken off a blood pressure medicine!! Karen acknowledges that it is definitely a process and continues to learn what serves her body best so she can continue making progress.

Karen says her commitment she made to herself, the people, and the feeling she has after a good training session is what keeps her consistent and coming back even on those tough days when she doesn’t feel like it. Living alone she needed human interaction and not only did she find that, but she’s made good friends as well. Coach Mercedes knows just how much to challenge her, but also have some fun in each session and there’s nothing like coming in for a work out and knowing you will have some fun while doing it too!

If you want to kick off your own journey like Karen did, we would love to guide you on your journey to a happier, healthier you! Just shoot us an email, or call us at (957)231-6207 and we can chat about you.

Life’s too short to wake up each day feeling sluggish, weighed down and not living up to your best.

What will you decide today?

Talk soon,


Inspiration of the Week: Meet Karen!

Joining a gym can be scary, but it’s the best thing Karen did for herself 4.5 years ago and she’s still going strong!

A bit quiet and reserved, Karen’s quiet demeanor surprised us at the beginning. Once she was in a routine after a few weeks, her strength and determination came out. She loved lifting weights and was always up for a new challenge. We love that she simply just doesn’t stop, never gives up and is never not challenging herself. Karen consistently increases her weights and makes sure she is progressing in each of her exercises. Her great attitude and determination is so exciting to watch. In each of her training sessions, she is very jovial with other members, which is always a help, as we can see that it helps others keep going and stay motivated and challenge themselves just a bit more!

Karen says 4.5 years ago she was looking for a gym where she would not feel intimidated, where it would be similar to working with a personal trainer and where the exercises could be adapted to her body. She was just coming off a shoulder injury and physical therapy so there were some limitations. After seeing an ad on Facebook to try out FCF for 30 days, she figured, “What do I have to lose.”

After just 1 week, she says, “I was hooked.”

The small group personal training sessions of no more than 6 people were just the right amount of personalized attention and comradery for her. Initially she wanted to increase mobility, strength, muscle tone and lose weight. At that time she was struggling with things like balance, standing up and getting down to the floor with ease. She saw some of the other women moving so easily and wondered, “Will I ever get there.”

Well, with time and practice, she did! Kudos to Karen for her dedication, persistence and never giving up on herself!

Her favorite part of FCF are the variety of other activities, like book club, hikes, and specialty programs. She continues to do balance exercises daily that she learned in one of our balance program. This is her secret to progress…incorporating small habits on a daily basis that have become part of her lifestyle.

It also doesn’t hurt that she’s made friends at FCF, she loves the variety of the training sessions and the coaches. She says, “Even on days I am not feeling 100%, after I workout for 30 minutes I always feel better.”

Currently she’s enjoying additional challenges in our Pure Strength session by increasing her weight, reps and building more muscle in her arms and legs. She’s on a roll and we’re just excited to continue coaching and guiding her!

If you’re hesitant about joining a gym, I’ll leave you with Karen’s parting words…

She says, “Over the years I have been coming to FCF I have become more comfortable in my own skin and accepting of my limitations in both energy and time. The positive environment in the gym reinforces the idea that each person is only competing against themselves to make improvements in flexibility, strength and nutrition to live a better more active life in the next chapter of our lives.”

It won’t happen overnight, but if you would love to change the way you feel and are aging, we would love to help you find a realistic balance and create a program just for you, just call or text us at (657) 231-6207 and we can chat!

~Coach Rosa

Inspiration of the Week: Meet Beth!

Meet Beth!

To say Beth has made progress in just over a year at FCF is putting it lightly! We’ve watched her build strength with just over 2 pounds of muscle, improve her balance, drop 19 pounds of fat, and reduce her visceral (bad) fat by 5 points!! But that’s just the number’s the more important part is that all her blood work is within normal range, a dramatic difference from 2 years ago, and she’s able to keep up with her grandkids now. She’s internally healthier, feeling more energetic, noticed a significant improvement in her balance and endurance so she’s participating in fun activities and has regained a zest for life. We absolutely love having Beth in our training sessions each week, she comes in with a smile, encourages others and is a genuinely wonderful human being. We are honored to coach her and watch her continued progress.

Here’s a bit more on her journey and what keeps her going…

When she joined FCF in March of 2022 her goals were to improve her endurance, increase her strength and improve her gait and balance as she noticed all of these things were declining. She dreaded stairs so much she would go out of her way to avoid using them and would get out of breath easily walking around. Overall, she just wanted to feel better and be able to keep up with her grandkids so she could enjoy their time together. During the pandemic, Beth says, “I was granted the time to figure out what direction I wanted my life to take. I made a decision that whatever I had left of this life, I was going to live it fully and with intention.” Beth had previously joined FCF a few years back, but didn’t stick with it. This time she was determined and committed! To truly see real, long-lasting change you have to dig deep, truly find your inner motivation, something bigger than just weight loss or toning. Those aren’t wrong, but for so many people, they continue to struggle because there’s not a meaningful purpose to their journey. For Beth it was quality of life for herself and being capable for her grandkids.

It all started with a lifestyle and nutrition program which helped her start losing some weight and then she took the next step to add back in exercise. Beth absolutely loves the small group training sessions because she loves getting to know the other people on the journey and is inspired by their progress. You will find her in the studio 3 days a week working her hardest. Most of all, she loves the team at FCF, she says, “You all are so great at what you do that it makes me want to be better. You are all so encouraging and understanding. You all have been such an important part of my journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” This is what helps keep her successful in coming, an expert, caring team and the community.

One of the biggest things Beth has learned is how to make her movements more intentional. She has learned so much about shifting body weight and balance in Rickye’s Tai Chi practice and continues to build strength in her small group sessions with Coach Mercedes.

But here’s the part we love most…

Beth says, “I even joined the hula-hoop contest at my grandson’s school last week (I was terrible, by the way). I never would have done that before. Stairs are still not my favorite things, but I no longer walk out of my way to avoid them. A few weeks ago, during a walk in the neighborhood, my granddaughter Sawyer said, “Gus, you can walk fast! Look Seamus, Gus can walk fast–she’s not like a grandma at all!”


This is what it’s all about folks. Not what the scale says, not what anybody else says you need to be, etc. It’s all about being comfortable and capable in your own body, loving yourself each and every day and to have fun and enjoy life!

I hope Beth’s story inspires you to make one positive step to improve your life today. Some days it’s so easy and then some days you want to throw in the towel, I get it, but you can’t give up. Life’s too short and tomorrow is not guaranteed, so make the most of your time on this wonderful earth and if you need some help making any changes, we’re here for you.

If you’re ready call or text us at 657-231-6207 and we’ll start with a chat to discover more about you and put a plan together so you too can live your best life!

~Coach Rosa

Inspiration of the Week: Meet Julie!

Meet Julie!

Julie walked in our doors 5 years ago and has been a constant joy to work with each and every week. In the 5 years that she has been at FCF we’ve seen her strength, mobility, and body awareness grow exponentially. She always comes in with a smile, has a positive attitude, wants to continue learning how to challenge herself and works hard in each training session. She loves trying new challenging exercises and knows her regular fitness routine along with a healthy lifestyle are what will add quality to her years. Her dedication to a healthy lifestyle is unwavering and we just love watching her grow. Just check out her pushing the sled below, that’s 100 pounds with just the sled itself! You rock Julie!

But, it’s not all about the physical for Julie, read more…

“I joined FCF because I want to stay physically and mentally fit for as long as possible. Now that my parents and in-laws are in their late 80s/early 90s, I think a great deal about the aging process. Everything that I read confirms that exercise, socializing, healthy diet and cognitive engagement are vital for quality aging. FCF ensures that I am getting the proper exercise and also adds a special component to my social life.

I truly feel that FCF is the most significant factor in my ability to age well. I have been working with a personal trainer on the weekends for about 15 years, and he told me that he hasn’t seen any real decline in my muscular health, strength, mobility or balance. In fact, he loves to tell me that I am at the same level as many of his clients who are 20 years younger.

I am at the studio 5 days a week when we have Dance Party and 4 days on the other weeks. Each day, I look forward to the physical challenges that await me and the warm environment where I feel so welcomed and encouraged. It is for those reasons that I have never wavered in my commitment to being there. The only time I cancel is when I have out of town guests, am out of town myself, or aren’t feeling well, which is rare because of the way my exercise routine contributes to my overall health.

Although I was active on and off throughout my life, my time at FCF has been the most consistently active I have ever been. I like that I feel accountable.

What stands out to me about FCF is that the coaches ensure we are doing everything with the proper form. I love when I am told to move my foot a quarter inch! That tells me that every detail is being watched. I also love the variety, just when I am getting a little comfortable with a workout regime, it changes. Most of all, I just can’t say enough about the environment. It truly feels like my home away from home because of all the wonderful people who work there and the like-minded clients who want to age as well as possible.”

Our philosophy at FCF is to support the things you love to do outside of the gym. You don’t need to be in here for hours at a time to see and feel the difference, just 30 minutes 3-4 days a week will do the trick to build strength and improve balance, mobility and endurance.

If you want to start your journey to a healthy, balanced lifestyle we would love to help you! Send us an email at or text (657) 231-6207, and we’ll connect.

Start living your best life today!